Houston Museum of Fine Arts - UIL Art Smart

My mom and I went to the Houston museum of Fine Arts and saw many paintings that I studied because of the UIL Art Smart competition. Last year I won first place and the 2020 competition is coming up soon. I saw paintings from both years. We stayed at the museum for 7 hours. First my mom's cousin's husband, James, who works there, gave us a tour. 
2019 -Madonna and child with the infant St. John the Baptist painting that I like because of its bright colors
2020-The Adoration of the christ child painting has so many details it was neat to see them all up close.
2020 - View of the Dogana Santa Maria della Salute was really pretty and the water looks like it is actually moving.
2020- Mademoiselle Boissere Knitting
2020 - Sunset on the Lagoon Venice was painted with tiny dots called Pointalism that you can't notice without seeing it in real life. Mom loved the texture.
2019 - 3 Umbrellas
2019 - The Basket Chair was painted by a famous woman artist Berthe Morisot
2019 - The Duchess de Montebello and her children. I had no idea it was so big!
We also saw many other beautiful paintings and toured the Norman Rockwall exhibit, statue garden and ate at the cafe.


  1. Love the pictures of you. Looks like you really enjoyed the trip.
    💛 Nana


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